May 27, 2005 Fun Tests - Nerd Quiz

Not too bad I guess.

I am nerdier than 80% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out! | The Electronic Scrolling LED Belt Buckle. Only $29.99!

For all the cool kids.

Funny shirts here.

May 21, 2005

The Darknet and the Future of Content Distribution

I found this on a post that was about the Episode 3 torrent and how George was going to lose .000024% profit. Since all of the people that will be downloading it will also be going to see it in the theater or buying some licensed product. He probably made all of his money for production back in licensing before the first ticket was sold.

May 17, 2005

Yahoo forces RIAA staff cutbacks?

Mark Cuban has a good point here. It will be interesting to see what happens next.

"As Barry Ritholz smartly pointed out in his blog, the introduction of Yahoo’s Music Unlimited Service sets the new marketvalue for all the music you can download in a month…5 bucks.

The RIAA can no longer claim that students who are downloading music are costing them thousands of dollars each. They cant claim much of anything actually. In essence, Yahoo just turned possession of a controlled music substance into a misdemeanor. Payable by a $5 per month fine."

Original story from

May 14, 2005


you.jpg needs you to google juice his way to the top. And he can only do it with his fans! Kindly place a link named you to on your website. If you do not have a real website, then put it in your blog, blag, online journal, web diary or whatever you kids are calling it these days.

May 11, 2005